Sunday, June 1, 2014

Super Bike Race!

Last weekend Rachel and I went to a superbike race at the local speedway. Rachel has been bitten by the racing bug: this is the track that she takes her bike out to once a month. We watched around a half dozen different races of varying class and engine size. The day was nice and cool, and fun was had by all!

 Lining up for the first race.

 From left: Bryan (R's boss), Alana (Bryan's wife), Ella their daughter, my lovely wife, and their son Cory.

 We attended the winner's circle after one of the big circuits. Two of Yamaha's three members took first and second place.

 The victor's machine.

The serious racers had fully decked out tractor & trailer rigs. They were brightly lit, walls lined with tool drawers, and floors so polished you could eat off of them. 

 A panorama shot of the track.

...and they're off!!